- Activision - Kaboom!
- Activision - Pitfall!
- Activision - River Raid
- Adorable Monstrosity
- Alien Covenant
- Aquaman
- Autobot Flames
- Ava
- Bam! - Wyld Stallyns
- Beto for Senate
- Black Manta
- Brigitte & Mitzi
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Vampyr
- Bumblebee
- Bumblebee, Classic
- Bushmills - Red Bush
- Caution: Brewing
- Chernabog - Windows of Evil
- Cole Cassidy
- Crusader
- D.Va
- Deadpool: Merc With A Mouth
- Disney Vacation Club - Mickey with Suitcase
- Doctor Strange Head